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R. A. Wardle Award

The Parasitism, Immunity and Environment (PIE) Section of the Canadian Society of Zoologists (CSZ) promotes study of the interrelationships at all levels among infectious agents, the response of animals to these agents, and the environment in which these relationships exist. The Wardle Award normally will be awarded annually for outstanding contributions to Canadian-based research on the fields of study promoted by the PIE Section.

“Canadian-based research” is understood to be research done by a Canadian, and/or research conducted in Canada.

“Outstanding contribution” is understood normally to have been one that has had significant cumulative impact on the field over an extended period. However, it may be interpreted as a single highly meritorious breakthrough.

Terms of Reference


Named in honor of Robert Arnold Wardle.


A maximum of one award per year. There is no obligation to make an award every year.


Any person who satisfies the Description may be nominated. A nominee is not required to be a member of the PIE Section or of the Canadian Society of Zoologists, although the Recognition Committee may consider membership status during their deliberations. No one shall receive the Wardle Award more than once.


  • The Awardee will receive a scroll and medal (the “Wardle Medal”)

  • The Awardee shall present a lecture (the “Robert Arnold Wardle Invitational Lecture”) that normally will be given at the Annual Conference of the CSZ or other such meeting sanctioned by the PIE Section as may be promulgated to include this event

  • The Wardle Award does not include a monetary prize, although the PIE Section may authorize a modest reimbursement of expenses to the Awardee the extent of which may be determined by Section finances

Application/Nomination Procedures

A complete nomination package should be sent electronically to the Chair of the Recognition Committee and shall include:

  • A letter from the nominator (can include self-nominations) that includes the rationale for the nomination and a statement that the nominee has agreed to present the Wardle Lecture if selected

  • A curriculum vitae of the nominee

  • At least three, but no more than 5, letters of support for the nomination

  • An unsuccessful nomination may be resubmitted the following year with an update of the CV and the original letters of support; after that a new nomination package is required

Selection Procedure

The Award shall be adjudicated by the Wardle Award Committee of the PIE Section, which normally shall comprise a non-voting Chair (normally, the Vice-chair or Chair-elect of the PIE section) and three voting members who are recent Wardle Award recipients and who normally will serve a rotating 3-year term.

The Committee of the PIE Section shall seek nominations from the membership of the PIE Section but shall accept and consider all duly made nominations. The Committee shall evaluate all nominees fairly with respect to the spirit of these Terms. The Committee may adopt any procedures they deem appropriate to facilitate their deliberations.

After due deliberations, the Committee shall attempt to come to a consensus, but in any case a majority vote shall prevail. The Committee shall forward the name of the recipient to the Chair of the PIE Section, normally at least 5 months prior to the date of the lecture, but at least 2 weeks before the announced time of the annual November/December meeting of CSZ Council. The Chair of the Section shall invite the successful candidate and inform unsuccessful candidates of the results.

The Recognition Committee shall endeavor to have the name of a backup candidate ready for forwarding to the Chair of the Section in the event that the first candidate is not able to accept.

The Chair of the Recognition Committee shall ensure that:

  • Deliberations commence in a timely manner so as to leave adequate time for the selection process.

  • A list of members of the PIE Section is available for Committee members. This list may be obtained from the Secretary of the CSZ.

  • A list of previous Wardle award recipients is available for Committee members.

  • The goals of the PIE Section are considered in their broad sense and are reinforced by the selection of the Awardee.

Nomination Deadline

Normally, October 1 each year. The Chair may accept late nominations but shall do so only if the Committee will have sufficient time to fairly evaluate nominations and reach a timely decision.

This Year’s Committee and Deadlines

See PIE Web site.


  • 2022 – Kayla King, University of Oxford. Chasing the Red Queen.

  • 2021 – Shelly Adamo, Dalhousie University. Nature’s neurobiologist: the parasitic manipulator Cotesia congregata and its caterpillar host Manduca sexta.

  • 2019 – Cameron Goater, Lethbridge University. “Fascination with manipulation: a zoologist’s march with the zombie ants.”

  • 2018 – John Gilleard, University of Calgary. “Exploring the molecular genetics of drug resistance in parasitic nematodes.”

  • 2017 – Carl Lowenberger, Simon Frasier University. “In the belly of the Beast: What factors determine which insect vectors transmit which parasites? The journey continues…”

  • 2016 – Martin Olivier, McGill University. “Trekking in host-parasite interaction: an exciting journey.”

  • 2015 – Brian Dixon, University of Waterloo. “From Parasites to Immunity and the Environment and Back Again.”

  • 2014 – Mark Forbes, Carleton University. “Through the looking glass and beyond: Studies of parasitism, immunity, and ecology of dragonfies.”

  • 2013 – Derek McKay, University of Calgary. “Health lessons from the study of host-parasite interactions.”

  • 2012 – Allen Shostak, University of Alberta. “Enchanted by the “charismatic microfauna”: an exploration of relationships between the environment, parasites and their invertebrate hosts.”

  • 2011 – J. Daniel McLaughlin, Concordia University. “Digenea, Diverstiy and DNA.”

  • 2009 – David Marcogliese, Environment Canada. “Parasites: Probelmatic pests or beneficial bioindicators? Perspectives from a parasitologist’s life cycle.”

  • 2008 – André Buret, University of Calgary. “Giardia: From mechanisms of disease to novel therapeutic strategies for gut health.”

  • 2007 – Robert Poulin, University of Otago, New Zealand. “The evolution of parasite life cycles and of one man’s career: going full circle!”

  • 2006 – Marilyn E. Scott, McGill University. “Host-parasite population dynamics- a taste of genes, diet, sex and drugs.”

  • 2005 – Dr. Kris Chadee of McGill University, Institute of Parasitology. “Do we really know how Entamoeba histolytica invades the gut”

  • 2004 – Terry Pearson, Department of Biology, University of Victoria. “One hundred years of sleeping sickness-the long journey of the African trypanosome.”

  • 2003 – Al Bush, Zoology Department, Brandon University. “Parasitologists, parasites and parasitism.”

  • 2002 – Miodrag Belosevic, University of Alberta, “How hosts respond to parasites.”

  • 2001 – Dan Brooks, University of Toronto. “Parasites, the Biodiversity Crisis and the Taxonomic Impediment.”

  • 2000 – Mary A. Fernando, U. Guelph. “Alterations in the host cell induced by eimerian infections.”

  • 1999 – Roger Prichard, McGill University. “At the mercy of the worms: Genetic diversity and anthelminthic resistance.”

  • 1998 – Murray W. Lankester, Lakehead University. “They were the best of times and …. “

  • 1997- Dean Befus, University of Alberta. “From Worms to Allergic Inflammation, Neuroimmunology and Wheeze.”

  • 1996 – R. A. Khan, Memorial University of Newfoundland. “Marine parasites as biomarkers: fact or fiction?”

  • 1995 – P. T. K. Woo, University of Guelph. “A tale of my two loves: Trypanosoma and Cryptobia.”

  • 1994 – M. Beverley-Burton, University of Guelph. “Worms and the Woman: the Nearctic immigrants.”

  • 1993 – H. Arai, University of Calgary. “The making of a parasitologist: a career revisited.”

  • 1992 – K. Wright, University of Toronto. “Nematodes – electron microscopy – frustration.”

  • 1991 – J. Webster, Simon Fraser University. “Nematodes- the good, the bad, and the sylvan.”

  • 1990 – S. S. Desser, University of Toronto. “And Mother Nature smiles.”

  • 1989 – G. F. Bennett, Memorial University of Newfoundland. “Avian blood parasites from an entomologist’s perspective.”

  • 1988 – R. C. Anderson, University of Guelph. “Nematodes, how did they become parasitic?”

  • 1987 – G. Faubert, McGill University. “Immunological aspects of the host-parasite relationship in giardiasis.”

  • 1986 – J. C. Holmes, University of Alberta. “Parasites and parasitologists: confrontation and cooperation.”

  • 1985 – M. D. B. Burt, University of New Brunswick. “The evolution of cestodes.”

  • 1984 – D. Mettrick, University of Toronto. “An holistic approach to experimental parasitology.”

  • 1983 – T. K. R. Bourns, University of Western Ontario. “Transitions in zoology and how to transish.”

  • 1982 – L. Margolis, Pacific Biological Station. “Pacific salmon and their parasites: a century of study?”

  • 1981 – R. S. Freeman, University of Toronto. “How did tapeworms get that way?”

  • 1980 – H. E. Welch, University of Manitoba. “Entomorphic nematodes.”

  • 1979 – E. Meerovitch, McGill University. “Trichinella – facts, speculations and possibilities.”

  • 1978 – J. R. Adams, University of British Columbia. “The timing of parasitic transmission: what is the role of hormones?”

  • 1977 – Z. Kabata, Pacific Biological Station. “Evolution and systematics of parasitic Copepoda”

  • 1976 – G. Lubinsky, University of Manitoba. “Clones of metacestodes, hormones and cytostatic agents.”

  • 1975 – A. M. Fallis, University of Toronto. “Is Socrates right?”

July 13

Distinguished Service Award

January 1

A. Murray Fallis Award (PIE)